Joshua Foster HIST 390 Blog

August, 2012 Archive

Aug 31

A File Structure for The Complex, The Changing and the Indeterminate by T.H. Nelson was quite an interesting piece.  On the first page Nelson mentions Bush’s Memex in relevance to the goal they were trying to reach at the current time.  I found it interesting that Nelson says the uses of the file are so […]

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Aug 30

The way Vannevar Bush relayed his ideas in this piece is very astute.  The fact that this was produced in 1945 makes me wonder what other technological as well as medical advances could be made if the data is given to the right people.  I found his predictions quite interesting as they are very accurate.  […]

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Aug 29


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2 Blog Posts This week: on one of the readings Next Week: on Ted Nelson or any of the other assignments

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Aug 27

I’m one step closer to fulfilling to my IT requirement.

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Aug 27

Welcome to onMason. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!

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