Joshua Foster HIST 390 Blog

Sep 11

As for everything I look up, I began my search on Google… Its always been reliable to me so why not now?  Quickly I found that Google provided me with results I wasn’t looking for.

After that I moved on to Google Scholar, in which I found the first target of the scavenger the hunt “An op-ed on a labor dispute involving public school teachers from before 1970” by using this search with some things we learned in class “!op-ed” “labor dispute” “public” “1970”.  Here is a link to the University of California EScholarship article.  The article gives brief examples of public labor disputes that occurred prior to 1970 in the introductory section.

The 2nd one was a bit more difficult to find.  After doing a bit of research through Wikipedia, I found out that solar panels were also called photovoltaic systems.  This made my search a bit easier.  From a few searches involving “!photovoltaic” and “first use” I found out that Bell Laboratories could have been the first documented use of the cell.  I then verified this by finding a reliable source here in the Wiley Online Library through Google Scholar using “!Photovoltaic” “first use” “Bell”.  The first documented use of solar power in the United States was in 1954 by Bell Laboratories.

As for the third, I found this the most difficult because I have no knowledge of California Ballot Initiatives… I had no idea what to search… I began a simple Google search which then led me to the California Government site.  Through the site I found a PDF file regarding all ballot history from 1912-2002… Although it is missing 10 years I found this to be the best resource to find California Ballot Initiatives; init_history-1.

For me the scavenger hunt was quite a test for me, but with the use of symbols to make the search more precise I was able to find all of the required targets through the use of Google Scholar.

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