Joshua Foster HIST 390 Blog

2012 Archive

Nov 05

I’ve always seen PowerPoints as a beneficial piece of visual representation for speeches and presentations; however, in some cases PowerPoints can be very stressful on the eyes and cause problems for the viewers because of the complication of the powerpoint.  This often happens when the presenter tries to add too much on one slide.  Back […]

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Nov 01

This is my chart I did on fertility rates in the United States for Caucasian children between 1800 and the year 2000.  I used an encyclopedia of demographics to find this data.

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Oct 28

For this weeks reading I took a look at the 2008 and 2010 Feltron Reports.  The information was difficult to understand to say the least.  I had heard of these prior to reading them as the study has been published in many places.  They were definitely not what I expected.  I thought it would just […]

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Oct 22

View George Mason, Past and Present in a larger map When making this map it stressed me out because I couldn’t find pictures of the campus from the 90’s; however, I believe this serves as an accurate presentation of Mason’s transformations over the years.

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Oct 21

This reading, as a whole, was a lot of content.  I found it very well put together though and it gave me ideas for how I could possibly approach the final project in this class.  The easy navigation throughout the digital article made it easy to find my way through the reading.  Its very interesting […]

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Oct 15

For me the chart exercise was quite simple.  Google offers a very easy interface to create charts.  It starts with choosing what type of chart the user would like to create; there are many choices such as a bar graph, line graph, pie chart, etc.  Following the choice of the type of chart I was […]

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Oct 09

Test Choose 3 out of 4 short answers. Essay (what would you need to build a digital project) Detail and Reasoning = Rubric Notes Loss of information through digitization (images, music, video) Know about technologies used in websites (statics, databases) Analog, digital documents (Morris reading) Legal limits of pieces (before 1920=public domain, 20th century=in copyright, […]

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Oct 03

Content Short answers (Pick 3, points are hit, paragraph or 2) One essay (Couple pages, synthetic, case study given, how would you do it) Know things that came up in books/readings Relatively straight forward In copyright vs Public Domain Digitization Four principles of fair use  

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Sep 30

This story really opened my eyes up on all the information access to the internet can give us.  The fact that the hackers used two big name companies, Apple and Amazon, in order to hack Mr. Honan just baffles me.  Why don’t these companies have a better online security interface seeing as they are two […]

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Sep 26

TV NEWS is quite an interesting internet archive.  Before we start getting into the ethics and legality of the website I just wanted to discuss my experience on using it.  I like the idea that they had all the biggest topics in a collage of words on the homepage.  Seeing as we’re in an IT […]

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