Scratch is very interesting program language. It introduces an interactive side of programming, like stories, games music and art. Prior to this weeks video and readings I had only heard small things about Scratch, but never really utilized the actual program. I took this as an opportunity to mess around on it a bit.
It was a pretty fun application due to its simplicity. It really sheds light on what people go through when they create digital games and programs. The way movement is implemented and the way sound is added all just contributes a better digital understanding. At first glance, this program might look a bit childish, but it really allows for simple digital creations after you get by the somewhat confusing first-time use. The program is very to-the-point. If you click something like Repeat (10), it will repeat the command 10 times. I believe this will allow young people for a better understanding and practice of digital applications.
There’s really not many faults with the application from my experience. I enjoyed using it to create basic digital animations… the only annoying part for me was drawing. I’ve never been a big fan of “computer paint” programs. I feel this is a very useful application for basic programming practice.